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Tales from the Larder: Stories of Sustainability - From baking to B Corp – the Macphie recipe for sustainability

Insights - 9th September 2021

Macphie has placed a heavy emphasis on sustainability as the business has evolved.

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Tales from the Larder: Stories of Sustainability - A refreshing approach to natural source water’s sustainable future

Insights - 6th September 2021

Highland Spring Group discuss their latest environmental initiatives and net zero ambitions.

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Offshore Wind Health and Safety – Managing and Regulating the Risks

Insights - 5th July 2021

Offshore wind comes with its own set of health and safety challenges through its life cycle.

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Green hydrogen is tomorrow’s oil

Insights - 15th July 2020

Germany will have to import much of its energy from abroad, offering a great opportunity for the UK.

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Sunrise or sunset for the North Sea?

Insights - 7th January 2020

The impact energy transition is having on the oil and gas sector cannot be underestimated.

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Offshore wind and the energy transition

Insights - 9th October 2019

September was also a significant month in the development of offshore wind in the UK.

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