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Code of Practice for commercial property relationships during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Insights - 14th July 2020

We explore the impact of the Code of Practice for commercial property relationships.

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Updated job retention scheme guidance note (13 July 2020)

Insights - 13th July 2020

This guidance note primarily focuses on how the Scheme will operate from 1 July.

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Breaking news: Chancellor announces new 'jobs retention bonus'

Insights - 8th July 2020

The Chancellor has announced that a furlough bonus will be paid to employers.

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State Aid Temporary Framework Extension - good news for small companies

Insights - 7th July 2020

Details of the latest amendment to the Framework which benefits micro and small companies.

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Challenging the fairness of government decision-making in light of COVID-19

Insights - 7th July 2020

In response to COVID-19, a swathe of legislative and policy changes were made to protect the public.

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D&O insurance cover and COVID-19 planning - any good news?

Insights - 7th July 2020

As businesses begin to re-start operations, can D&O insurance cover offer any comfort?

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Coronavirus and cyber security – stay vigilant!

Insights - 1st July 2020

COVID-19 is presenting not only a physical threat but a cyber threat as well.

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COVID-19 – Updates from the Pensions Regulator

Insights - 30th June 2020

The Pensions Regulator has issued updates to its COVID-19 guidance.

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To PPE or not to PPE?

Insights - 29th June 2020

What is PPE and what is an employer duty bound to do when providing it to employees and others?

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