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The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry: 5 years and 5 case studies in, where next?

Insights - 23rd September 2021

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry opened in October 2015, with an initial term of four years.

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Migration & Adult Social Care – post-Brexit review opens

Insights - 21st September 2021

Migration policy is an area of government decision-making that has a very wide impact.

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Climate Protest before the Scottish Courts

Insights - 20th September 2021

We explore Greenpeace’s legal case against the UK government.

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Tales from the Larder: Stories of Sustainability - Distilling the essence of sustainability at Dunnet Bay

Insights - 17th September 2021

What is Dunnet Bay’s approach to sustainability and what does the future hold for the distillery?

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Tales from the Larder: Stories of Sustainability - A dram of whisky that raises a glass to sustainability

Insights - 13th September 2021

Scotch single malt whisky is famed for its rich golden colour. But can it also be green?

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DCMS announces changes to UK data protection and privacy arrangements

Insights - 10th September 2021

The Government have launched a consultation on the current data protection regime.

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Tales from the Larder: Stories of Sustainability - From baking to B Corp – the Macphie recipe for sustainability

Insights - 9th September 2021

Macphie has placed a heavy emphasis on sustainability as the business has evolved.

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Tales from the Larder: Stories of Sustainability - A refreshing approach to natural source water’s sustainable future

Insights - 6th September 2021

Highland Spring Group discuss their latest environmental initiatives and net zero ambitions.

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