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Webinar recording: Best practice in handling a software license review

Webinars - 15th June 2020

Callum Sinclair and Colin Hulme share their experience and expertise.

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Webinar recording: Coming out of Lockdown

Webinars - 4th June 2020

In this webinar we will look at the practical steps businesses should be taking.

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Webinar recording: Third Sector Governance in the Time of COVID-19 (29 April 2020)

Webinars - 30th April 2020

We discuss the key aspects of third sector governance that are presenting challenges at this time.

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Webinar recording: COVID-19 - key questions answered for the oil & gas sector

Webinars - 23rd April 2020

We provide an update on the key issues affecting the sector arising from the coronavirus crisis.

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Webinar recording: COVID-19 - key questions answered for the food & drink sector

Webinars - 14th April 2020

We cover the key questions for the food & drink sector as a result of COVID-19.

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Webinar recording: Impact of COVID-19 on the charities sector

Webinars - 30th March 2020

Gillian Harkness and Morag Hutchison discuss employment law issues arising from the COVID-19 crisis.

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