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Building safety reform: different route maps for England and Scotland

Insights - 15th September 2021

How to navigate Scottish and English building safety developments.

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Land Value Capture, Infrastructure Levy and Compulsory Purchase – The Three Musketeers?

Insights - 15th September 2021

We look at why developers will need to consider all three work streams when considering one alone.

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Could significant reform be on the way in delivery of land for housing?

Insights - 15th September 2021

What recommendations have been made on how the operation of the housing land market can be reformed?

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New Homes Quality Code: Snagging - new guidance for buyers and builders

Insights - 15th September 2021

The first in a series of articles outlining key parts of the draft New Homes Quality Code.

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Residential property market 2021: 4 things you need to know

Insights - 1st April 2021

We look at some of the big changes the housebuilding market has recently faced.

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You can’t make bricks without straw

Insights - 31st March 2021

How can housebuilders mitigate the risk of rising costs and shortages of construction materials?

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