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Good intentions can be costly...

Insights - 26th March 2020

Why do landlords need to pause for thought when they address issues facing tenants due to COVID-19?

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COVID-19 – “Keep open” and other clauses to be aware of

Insights - 26th March 2020

What to look out for if your lease has a keep open clause.

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COVID-19: signing in counterpart & electronic documents

Insights - 26th March 2020

We consider the potential to expedite transactions using counterpart or electronic documents.

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COVID-19: commercial tenants will not be evicted, but what about landlords?

Insights - 25th March 2020

UK Government announces that commercial tenants will not be evicted if they cannot pay rent.

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COVID-19 – commercial leases – don’t overlook the finer details in a time of crisis

Insights - 25th March 2020

What documents alongside commercial leases are worthy of review in the current crisis?

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COVID-19: retail occupiers demanding rent free should be considerate and cautious

Insights - 24th March 2020

A balance is called for when retail occupiers demanding rent free.

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Private rented sector to take action in response to coronavirus

Insights - 23rd March 2020

Scottish Government introduces temporary legislation to protect private tenants amid crisis.

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Coronavirus and payment obligations under commercial leases

Insights - 20th March 2020

Property leases - what are a tenant's obligations to pay rent in the coronavirus outbreak?

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Coronavirus and powers of attorney

Insights - 19th March 2020

An alternative way to deal with "wet-ink" signatories in the COVID-19 crisis.

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