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Ban on single-use plastics in Scotland – consultation launched

Insights - 13th October 2020

The Scottish government has launched a consultation on banning single-use plastic items.

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A pot of gold? The highs and lows of getting CBD products to market

Insights - 6th July 2020

CBD infused versions of everyday products are becoming more prevalent.

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To PPE or not to PPE?

Insights - 29th June 2020

What is PPE and what is an employer duty bound to do when providing it to employees and others?

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Coronavirus: advice for manufacturers on medical device production

Insights - 17th March 2020

The government has asked the manufacturing industry for help to produce critical medical devices.

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Automated vehicles - brave new dawn has its fair share of legal (and moral) black holes

Insights - 15th November 2018

Nobody ever said it would be easy.

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Knight Rider Becomes Reality

Insights - 19th March 2018

The self-driving car - as famously depicted in TV series Knight Rider – is fast becoming reality.

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