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Ban on single-use plastics in Scotland – consultation launched

Insights - 13th October 2020

The Scottish government has launched a consultation on banning single-use plastic items.

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Guide to the LCIA Arbitration Rules Update

Insights - 30th September 2020

The update will apply to any LCIA arbitration commenced from that date.

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10 things you should know about working through COVID-19

Insights - 3rd September 2020

We highlight ten key health and safety issues you should be thinking about.

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Challenging the fairness of government decision-making in light of COVID-19

Insights - 7th July 2020

In response to COVID-19, a swathe of legislative and policy changes were made to protect the public.

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D&O insurance cover and COVID-19 planning - any good news?

Insights - 7th July 2020

As businesses begin to re-start operations, can D&O insurance cover offer any comfort?

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To PPE or not to PPE?

Insights - 29th June 2020

What is PPE and what is an employer duty bound to do when providing it to employees and others?

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