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The impact of the coronavirus on oil & gas financing

Insights - 18th March 2020

We explore the effect of coronavirus and oil price on the loan facilities provided to producers.

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Ten tips to make sure you get paid by your customers and debtors during the coronavirus pandemic

Insights - 18th March 2020

These are our top tips to make sure that you keep getting paid for your precious goods and services.

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Coronavirus: advice for manufacturers on medical device production

Insights - 17th March 2020

The government has asked the manufacturing industry for help to produce critical medical devices.

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Yelling at yourself inside a ping-pong ball

Insights - 13th March 2020

A huge congratulations to Street Soccer Scotland on a wonderful, inspiring event.

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Coronavirus and planning control - relaxation of enforcement

Insights - 13th March 2020

Local authorities urged to take sensible approach in light of coronavirus and retail distribution.

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Coronavirus and offshore oil & gas – looking after your people

Insights - 13th March 2020

What impact will Coronavirus have on the offshore oil & gas environment.

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Coronavirus and force majeure - keeping your contracts safe

Insights - 12th March 2020

It is very likely that we will see a rise in force majeure claims as a result of COVID-19.

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GMP Equalisation Guidance - one more piece of the jigsaw

Insights - 11th March 2020

HMRC has recently published guidance on GMP equalisation.

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