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Let’s be SMART on CO2nstructZero: net zero carbon in construction

Insights - 5th May 2021

How can the construction industry achieve its net zero carbon targets?

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The Hydrogen Opportunity

Insights - 1st April 2021

The Scottish Government highlighted the opportunity for Scotland to be a leading hydrogen nation.

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Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill – Expansion and Efficiencies

Insights - 1st April 2021

Scotland will be the first country in the UK to legislate on the development of heat networks.

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What will a net zero plan mean for renewables in Scotland?

Insights - 1st April 2021

The Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) is Scotland’s long-term spatial plan.

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(House) Building towards net zero

Insights - 31st March 2021

How is the Government helping housebuilders achieve energy efficiency and progress towards net zero?

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Green Ports and the Transition to Net Zero

Insights - 25th March 2021

The Scottish Government's plans to establish 'green ports' and their role in achieving Net Zero.

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Planning Reform in Scotland – an update

Insights - 19th March 2021

How will the planning reform affect the renewables sector?

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Lessons in tackling an emergency – Reflections on the Scottish Renewables Annual Conference

Insights - 11th September 2020

We explore the main takeaways from the Scottish Renewables Annual Conference.

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