A new industrial revolution, powered by millions of sustainable innovations, is essential, and is indeed already beginning. We will all share in the benefits. Affordable, clean energy, healthy air and enough food to sustain us all. Nature is a key ally.
Sir David Attenborough at COP26
Managing environmental risks, sustainability and meeting the expectations of stakeholders is critical to the commercial success of our clients. We understand the constantly changing regulatory environment that clients face, which manifests itself through transactions, interactions with regulators or disputes.
How our clients do business locally, nationally and globally is changing as they consider their environmental impact and seek to operate more sustainably. Wherever your business is on its journey, our team can help you navigate the complexities of environmental law. We offer specialist advice on the full range of environmental matters, as well as providing environmental advice on some of the largest corporate deals in Scotland and across the UK.
Our environment and climate change lawyers also have significant specialist knowledge in environmental offshore oil and gas, onshore and offshore renewable energy, utilities, minerals, and marine and shipping. This has resulted in us developing strong working relationships with the environmental regulators across these sectors.
Key Contacts
Our areas of expertise
- climate change and carbon
- environmental permitting and licences
- environmental risk management on transactions
- hazardous substances and contaminated land
- nature conservation and biodiversity
- environmental litigation and nuisance
- environmental projects
- environmental impact assessment advice on energy, infrastructure, resource and development projects
- environmental accidents
- waste and waste management activities
- water and utilities
- minerals
- environmental management and policies
- environmental reporting
- product stewardship/resource efficiency
- environmental information regulations requests
- regulatory horizon scanning
Recognising the importance of ESG on the corporate agenda, our environment team takes an active role in our ESG strategy and client service team. They work closely with other specialists from across the firm to proactively support clients on their journey towards leading a more sustainable and responsible business. Providing advice on climate change and environmental impact to corporate clients, and assisting with pioneering net zero carbon solutions, the team have experience in incorporating environmental strategy throughout your business.
You can find out more on our ESG Services page.
Advice to CEMEX on Pollution Prevention and Control permitting and transfer application to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency for a landfill site at KIlbarchan Quarry.
The Lifescape Project
Working with The Lifescape Project in order to produce a set of briefings to infrom rewilding projects on the legal aspects of their work in Scotland.
Work highlights
A global drinks manufacturer
Advising on the Deposit Return Scheme in Scotland.
Trees for Life
Represented Trees for Life in successfully challenging NatureScot's licensing regime for the lethal control of beavers in Scotland in judicial review proceedings at the Court of Session.
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