What is Real World ESG?
From its inception in the investor & fund community, ESG now touches every part of our world.
Informing the way in which banks consider their lending criteria and how multinationals review their supply chain, through to how manufacturers power their factories and employers recruit and retain staff. The emphasis may vary depending on industrial sectors and geographies, but the overall impact is the same, a drive for increasingly responsible business behaviours.
Real World ESG is a resource for those delivering ESG on the ground, helping you to understand how to bring about change and make smart decisions when it comes to shaping your response.
And If Not Now, When?
A drive to net zero, a sustainable society and the critical need for better mental and physical wellbeing have become our new axis as we rethink how we live, work, and do business.
These issues are reflected in And if Not Now, When?, an immersive audio-visual art installation created by Edinburgh artists Philip Pinsky and Karen Lamond which invites you to experience an inspiring and hopeful urban reality.
As part of our Real World ESG strategy, we have supported the making of a short context film for this thoughtful and powerful project. Our intention is to use this to provoke thought and discussion, and we hope it resonates with those considering how we can positively bring about change in our environment.
Key insights
Burness Paull has entered into an exciting new partnership with SCOTLAND: The Big Picture, a charity focused on nature recovery across Scotland.
As a Rewilding Business Partner, Burness Paull will provide pro bono legal advice to help SCOTLAND: The Big Picture as they work to create a wilder, more resilient Scotland, supporting biodiversity, addressing climate breakdown and providing economic benefit to rural communities.

Burness Paull contributes to Mondaq’s Global Comparative Guide to ESG
Launched in October 2022, the guide provides an overview of some of the key areas of ESG from almost 20 countries, enabling users to compare regulatory environments and law across different jurisdictions.
Preventing modern slavery in supply chains: Proactively mitigating the legal and reputational risks
In the wake of troubling revelations that prominent companies, including McDonald’s and several leading UK supermarkets, failed to identify modern slavery practices within their supply chains, it is evident that the importance of robust preventive measures cannot be overstated.

Scrutinising sustainability: Meeting the regulator’s ESG expectations
After the seeds of change were sown in pensions legislation six years ago, the concept of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has firmly taken root in the pensions industry.
The Pensions Regulator’s (TPR’s) recent ‘Market Oversight’ report (the ‘Report’) sheds critical light on trustees’ efforts to meet their ESG duties.
Key Contacts

Maggie Stewart
Sustainability Manager
Responsible Business