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LBTT: Beware Intra-Group Transfers

31st July 2017

31st July 2017. LBTT: Beware Intra-Group Transfers. LBTT: Beware Intra-Group Transfers. Revenue Scotland have confirmed, in a formal Opinion, that where a parent company has given a lender a pledge over shares in its subsidiary by way of security,

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British Citizenship

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We recognise the importance of British Citizenship and the benefits it provides.

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Extension of off-payroll working postponed

18th March 2020

The extension of the off-payroll working regime will be postponed for a year until April 2021.

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No-Deal Brexit - VAT Do You Do Next?

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Entrepreneurs’ Relief: The Screw Tightens

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SEIS/EIS/VCT Reliefs - the impact of COVID-19 aid

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The Chancellor announced new measures for self-employed people.

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